Travel & Vaccinations

People travel for business and pleasure. Both can be problematic. By taking the right advice ahead of travel arrangements, we can help you make your trip painless and hassle-free. We’re available around the clock to help you or your employee’s deal with an incident from Azerbaijan to the Yemen. We’ll even give you a dedicated hotline number to call if your employees are in trouble.

Whilst traveling, sexual health issues can be very difficult to sort out. We’re very used indeed to assisting with these queries by email or by telephone. If you’re abroad and you need to speak with Dr Dan, then just call us on 0207 139 1833 and book a telephone or video consultation. We’ll give you all the guidance you need, quickly with no embarrassing fuss.

We stock most recommended travel vaccines as a routine.

Further information is available from a host of different websites which we’ve listed below. Please let us know if you know of any further sites which might be useful or if any of the ones we’ve given are not up to scratch.

Our favourite websites are: