Wellperson Screening

Proactive healthcare

Despite the immeasurable benefits of comprehensive proactive health checks, sadly it is difficult to receive these through your NHS GP.

Having a regular hour-long Wellperson consultation ensures that can make small changes in your health to prevent a potential illness from developing


We Initially discuss:

  • Your current health concerns

  • Your current medication and supplements

  • Your medical history

  • Your family medical history

  • You vaccination history

  • Any previous investigations you’ve had

  • Your lifestyle:

    • Your work/life balance

    • Your diet

    • Your stress management techniques, including exercise, meditation, breathing techniques

    • Your alcohol/ recreational drug intake

    • Your exercise regimen, discussing both anaerobic (muscle toning/building) and aerobic (cardiovascular fitness)

    • Smoking history

    • Sleep quality and quantity and sleep hygiene.

    • Caffeine intake

    • Family and social support network

We perform blood tests for:

  • Full blood count (red cells and white/immune cells)

  • Your haemaglobin levels and other factors can point to underlying illnesses, and mineral deficiencies

  • Your white cell subsets can show how your immune system is functioning. It can also show potential allergies or illnesses you may be suffering with prompting us to perform further tests.

  • Liver function

  • We measure a number of liver function enzymes which are a great help for your overall health picture, from cholesterol to diet, to alcohol use and to any inherited conditions.

  • Kidney function

  • Bone Health

  • We measure your phosphate and calcium levels which in turn can point to vitamin deficiencies or risk of fractures through osteoporosis.

  • Glucose

  • This is important to assess your risk of developing diabetes.

  • Uric acid (gout risk levels)

  • Iron levels

  • Low iron levels can be a signal of a serious gastrointestinal problem, heavy periods in women or inadequate consumption in the diet

  • High iron levels can be secondary to taking too many iron supplements or to haemochromatosis, a relatively common inherited iron deposition disease.

  • Thyroid function

  • The thyroid governs the speed of the metabolic rate of our bodily functions. Too much thyroid can cause weight loss, heart problems, gastric problems, hair loss and eye disease. Too little thyroid can cause weight gain, decreased energy levels, low moods, low libido.

  • Prostate (for Men)

  • There are more than 130 prostate cancer diagnoses in the UK every day. This condition is very successfully treated if caught early but can be life-threatening if undetected. Symptoms of an enlarged prostate include weak urinary flow, urinary hesitancy, increased frequency, and going many times at night.

  • Cholesterol

  • Cholesterol consists of HDL ‘good’ cholesterol and LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol. There is a direct link between high LDL levels and furring of the arteries and heart disease. There is a strong genetic element to high cholesterol levels but also they are directly linked to your diet and your weight.

  • Vitamin D (for Women)

  • Due to lack of sun, the majority of the UK population are vitamin D deficient in the winter so should be taking Vitamin D supplements. Low vitamin D levels can lead to weak bones which are prone to fracture, low mood, and low energy levels.

We perform a thorough examination of all body systems:

  • Psychological

    • We discuss your general mental health, encouraging a frank conversation about any worries you have regarding this. This is obviously very important at the moment during the COVID-19 epidemic.

  • Neurological

    • We test gross and fine motor, sensation and reflexes. You will have an ophthalmoscopic eye exam and test your visual acuity. We will discuss any symptoms attributable to cerebral problems.

  • Ear Nose Dental and throat

    • An ear exam including hearing, a dental exam and a lymph node exam of your head and neck.

  • Cardiovascular

    • Heart exam, including heart sounds, heart rhythm, peripheral pulses, blood pressure (lying and standing), swelling. If deemed necessary we perform an ECG for an additional fee.

  • Respiratory

    • Chest and lung exam, peak flow breathing test, oxygen saturation levels.

  • Gastrointestinal

    • Abdominal exam. Exam looking for any jaundice, anemia, swelling.

  • Urological

    • Men: Prostate, urinary habit and libido; Women: Cervical smear and HPV check (if indicated), urinary habit.

  • Musculoskeletal

    • Joint examination, assessment of symmetrical power in all major muscle groups and gait assessment.

  • Dermatological:

    • Mole and general skin exam.

Other Measurements:

  • Body tissue composition:

    • Your weight

    • Body mass index

    • Body muscle percentage

    • Body fat percentage

    • Visceral (organ) fat percentage

  • Urinalysis

    • Infection

    • Blood

    • Sugar (indicative of diabetes)

    • Protein (indicative of kidney problems).

Executive Wellperson Screening

All of the above with extra investigations:

  • Chest Xray

  • Electrocardiogram

  • Hormone testing

  • +/- Genetic testing

Additional Tests and Scans

If recommended by Dr Dan, the following tests and scans will be available at an additional charge

  • TruCheck™ Early Cancer Screening Blood Test

  • Stress ECG - Echocardiogram

  • Carotid doppler Ultrasound

  • CT Coronary Artery Calcium Score (CT Scan)

  • CT Carotid Angiogram

  • CT Coronary Angiogram

  • Fibro Scan Liver

  • Abdominal Ultrasound Scan

  • CT Colonography

  • Colonoscopy

  • CT Chest - Lungs

  • Baseline Bone Density Scan (DEXA)

  • Transvaginal Ultrasound

  • Mammogram/ Ultrasound

  • Brain MRI

  • Pelvic MRI

  • Prostate MRI

  • Allergy Screening

  • Genetic Testing

  • Mole Mapping

 You will then receive a detailed summary of our discussion and my findings together with a plan of lifestyle changes, possible further investigation, and potential specialist referral if needed.