Private Blood Testing

Dr Dan and LIR provides a fast, efficient private blood testing service at our smart, clean and Care Quality Commission registered premises in Central London.

We offer over 3000 different types of tests and so if you have a particular requirement, please contact us either by phone on 0207 139 1833 or by email at giving as much detail as you can and we can then assist you.

So why use us for your private blood tests?

  • Fast, efficient private blood testing with results often within 4 hours

  • Smart, comfortable and sparklingly clean Central London Clinic

  • We only use sterile, single use equipment

  • We’re Care Quality Commission approved, registered and inspected

What is the Private Blood Testing Service?

Blood testing is a very useful and efficient way of confirming good health or helping to identify a whole range of disease processes which might be difficult to confirm by clinical examination alone. Our Private Doctor blood testing service is designed to give you efficient and safe access both to private blood test and also comprehensive, accurate, up-to-date medical advice. We will discuss your individual needs and help you decide the best way forward.

Personalised responsible doctor service

We’ll discuss your case and identify which if any blood tests you might benefit from having. Remember that many of these services are free of charge on the NHS for UK residents. We offer speed of service with very experienced physicians and very fast turn-around times for blood test results.

If you want us to we can supply your regular doctor with a report detailing the blood tests we have taken and the results. We will always let you have a copy of the results together with an explanatory note from us about them. We encourage you to talk to us on the phone about your tests.

Can you do any rare blood tests?

If there’s a particular blood test you require and you’re not certain whether we offer it, just ring or email us and ask. The answer is almost always “yes”.

We frequently provide the following blood tests:

  • Thyroid function blood tests

  • Prostate blood test

  • Haematology and biochemistry

  • Parvovirus

  • Glandular Fever or Epstein Barr Virus blood test

  • Hepatitis Immunity

  • Blood group

  • HIV tests

  • Well woman and well man blood profiles

  • Diabetes testing

  • Liver function tests